Sichelschmidt - A Company with a Long-lasting Tradition

A Company with a long-lasting Tradition
Sichelschmidt - A Company with a long-lasting Tradition
In 1914, the brothers Carl and Walter Sichelschmidt established a company that, like many others in the region, specialized in manufacturing stamped parts and locks. In order to facilitate internal transportation, they also produced transport devices such as sack and barrel lifters. This endeavor proved to be highly successful and therefore an establishment in the form of an open trading company was founded for "manufacturing and distributing lifting equipment and transport devices“ in 1931.

During the 1940s, initial steps were taken towards the serial production of manually maneuverable lifting devices equipped with electric winches. However, Sichelschmidt predominantly specialized in manufacturing manual lifting equipment, such as the patented Scrap Ladder in 1949, featuring a hand crank for the handling of barrels and sacks

From Hand Cranks to electric lifting equipment

Pioneering Endeavors
The focus on battery-powered industrial trucks did not occur until the 1950s. Nevertheless, many specialized trucks were developed for different applications. Sichelschmidt rapidly identified these trends, resulting in a fundamental breakthrough. In the early 1960s, they developed the first explosion-proof electric forklift truck for a chemical company based in Düsseldorf. Today, Sichelschmidt is the top manufacturer in this niche market.

The ongoing success of the four-way forklifts originated from a customer specific projects. Furthermore, in 1992, Sichelschmidt conducted significant pioneering endeavors with the global introduction of three-phase AC technology in electric forklift trucks.

The focus on the core competency

Core Competency

Today we successfully focus on the following defined segments oft he electric forklift truck industry:

  Cleanroom forklifts
  Explosion proof areas
  Customized products

This entails our focus on areas where our devices offer a unique selling proposition in terms of quality, performance, safety, and functionality. This focus is the key to success for a mid-sized company among the „global players“.

In addition, we have established industry standards in several areas of expertise, including three-phase drive technology, explosion protection, and the development and production of customized equipment.

The illustrated History of Sichelschmidt
